Monday, February 27, 2012

JsTrace 1.1.1 released

So, I released a new version of the JsTrace project.

This version basically includes rewriting things to be a little more "proper" in the JavaScript side of things. 

  1. I removed things like the "with" keyword (reimplemented just using basic closure technique)
  2. Turned on/Fixed a lot of JSHint restrictions (though I still don't dig the "use one var statement" thing, so I don't follow that – it's totally unnecessary in my opinion).
  3. Updated the Intellisense comments so that we have as much info in client code as possible
  4. Updated source code to have a test project and the NuGet package generation in it.

So, if you're using the NuGet package, you'll just get the update automatically, otherwise, go snag it on Codeplex:

Happy Debugging!


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Released: JsTrace - My JavaScript Diagnostics Module (NuGet Package too!)

I've been planning on this for a while, but, after my original post post about JsTrace, I wanted to make it easier for people to get to and use.

So, first of all, I added JsTrace to CodePlex.

Then, I wrote some pretty decent documentation for it.

Finally, I published it as a NuGet Package.

Use it at will and spread the word!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Just Published: TFS Solution Info - Visual Studio Extension

The Problem

I deal with Team Foundation Server (TFS) a lot day to day, so I occasionally find myself wondering which Branch and/or Workspace I happen to have open on my project at any given time.  For some people, this is not a problem, since they work on one particular branch, do their work and then check in.  For me, though, it’s different.
I do parallel development on my project.  Sometimes I’m working on a great new feature for 2.0 while switching over to a HotFix branch to do a quick patch for the 1.5 version that’s in Production.
I also use a separate workspace in TFS to Merge and deploy code.  Throw in the “Experimental” Workspace I use to play around in various versions of the code, and you can see why I frequently get lost.

The Solution

(no pun intended! -- OK, I confess: It was totally intended!)
Banking on the theory that I’m not alone in this – and, based on my coworker feedback, I’m not – I decided to publish the Visual Studio plugin I created.
For lack of a better name, I called it “TFS Solution Info”
Here’s what it looks like


It’s pretty simple.  Using the Visual Studio SDK, I connected up to Solution events and TFS-related information to display information about the currently loaded Solution.

I can’t believe how useful this has been for me.  I hope it’s useful for you too!

Get TFS Solution Info from the Visual Studio Gallery!

Or, you can just search for “TFS Solution Info” in the Visual Studio Extension Manager.  The code will be posted up on Codeplex very soon.

Let me know what you would like to see this do.

[Update: just updated the formatting]

Friday, February 3, 2012

Pro Tip: Code Analysis, IoC and Excessive Class Coupling

This is a quick tip:

If you’re using Visual Studio's Code Analysis to make your code better (and who isn’t?), you’ll obviously have a bit of a problem with any IoC bootstrapping because you’re most likely wiring up a LOT of interfaces and classes together in your bootstrapping logic.

This will result in the CA1506 "Avoid Excessive Class Coupling" warning

SuppressMessage to the rescue!

Just decorate your IoC bootstrapper class or method with this:
public static class IoC
Problem Solved!